"Lies Women Believe" Bible Study De-briefing

The women's group at my church recently finished a study through the book Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss . Honestly, I didn't enjoy it much at first, but I kept going because I needed the fellowship. Little did I know that God would really use the study to make a small but very impactful change in my life. It was the second to last week of meetings and I didn't finish the reading. I skimmed it well enough to have the main ideas ready for discussion. The group time went well with one or two of the ladies doing most of the talking. (This does sometimes annoy me but not when what they're saying is worth hearing. :) ) The chapters we were discussing were about life's circumstances and being controlled my your emotions. At first I thought I would be more impacted by the chapter on circumstances because of what all we've been through this past year, but I was wrong... When I got home that evening I felt very uneasy...no peace. I starte...