Big, Fat Failure
#1 Don't take this too seriously #2 But, seriously, I am a big, fat failure. Thankfully the Lord planned ahead. The 2012 Olympic Games reminded me of my failure as an athlete. I always wanted to be in the Olympics but laziness and a lack of determination took over. Of course, a lot of kids dream of being an Olympian and never make it so I don't really feel too bad. Plus, there's always Rio 2016! :) I'm fairly least I always made good grades, but my contribution to our yearly household income probably averages in the negatives. I'm a failed business woman. I'm failing as we speak, but I'm okay with it. My real full-time job just doesn't pay very well. Speaking of that...parenting, I mean...according to Ted Tripp I'm pretty much a failure there too. Also, okay. My kids are still young, and I AM trying. I've been a bad friend...selfish and lazy. For that I am always sorry. It can be very de...