
Showing posts from August, 2012

Big, Fat Failure

#1 Don't take this too seriously #2 But, seriously, I am a big, fat failure. Thankfully the Lord planned ahead. The 2012 Olympic Games reminded me of my failure as an athlete.  I always wanted to be in the Olympics but laziness and a lack of determination took over.  Of course, a lot of kids dream of being an Olympian and never make it so I don't really feel too bad.  Plus, there's always Rio 2016! :) I'm fairly least I always made good grades, but my contribution to our yearly household income probably averages in the negatives.  I'm a failed business woman.  I'm failing as we speak, but I'm okay with it.  My real full-time job just doesn't pay very well.  Speaking of that...parenting, I mean...according to Ted Tripp I'm pretty much a failure there too.  Also, okay.  My kids are still young, and I AM trying.  I've been a bad friend...selfish and lazy.  For that I am always sorry. It can be very de...

How to Live Without Losing

#1 God is good to warn us. #2 God is good to me. "Watch and pray that you may not enter temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41 Try this : Think of what you want in life, what you want for your family, what you want to accomplish, what you believe you can do. Allow yourself to dream, and start to plan beyond next week. But remember..."the flesh is WEAK." Can you go after these dreams and not be swept away by the world? That's what did . I thought : I'm ready for more. I want to make a little money, to look nice, stay in shape, run a marathon, and still run an efficient home and successful home school. I want to do it all and still glorify God, but OH! "the flesh is WEAK." Will I be swept away by "the lust of the flesh" and "the lust of the eyes"? (1 John 2:16) I make mistakes. I get consumed. But God is gracious, and I fight the flesh. You can too . Realize thi...