Getting Crafty: An Advent Calendar

#1 I really do love making crafts. (I'm just not good at making time for it and gathering the necessary materials.) #2 If you want to follow a real DIY blog with fun projects for your home you should check out my sis-in-law's stuff at . Also, my friend Kim did a cool project with some vintage lamps recently ( ). #3 If you want a "use what you happen to have at home to make a Christmas countdown calender so you don't have to answer the 'How many days til Christmas?' question a thousand times over" craft then this may be the one for you! I present...the Fun Felt Jesse Tree !!! Now, a few years ago I printed an Advent Devotional off Ann Voskamp's blog and it had these ornaments to go along with the reading each day. (That's also where I learned about the Jesse Tree.) I cut the ornaments out and laminated them (with packing tape :) ) and the kids have hung them on the tree ...