The Best Mother's Day

#1 Since becoming a mother I've had a love/hate relationship with Mother's Day....there have been some BAD ones. #2 This year it was all love for me, but in a most unexpected way! The Best Mother's Day On March 21, 2016 I officially began business with my daughter as K&L Floral Design. We've been learning, buying flowers, planting plants, and making bouquets almost daily since then. This past week we received almost a dozen orders for Mother's Day weekend. I was very excited! We kicked things off on Friday afternoon, rested up Friday night, and then hit the ground running Saturday morning...(We did have to take a break for a soccer game but I stopped at Home Depot on the way there, and after the game we foraged some filler flowers from around the fields, so it turned into a work trip. :) ) The flower-filled work carried over into Sunday morning, and I made my last delivery that afternoon after church. Phew!!! ...