
Showing posts from 2017

Homeschool Curriculum

#1 I'm a great planner. #2 Plans change. Someone wants to talk homeschool how-to with me today so I'm gathering up my sources and information for her.  While I'm at it, I figured I'd go ahead and write it up here just in case anyone else is curious. ***Disclaimer:  I am NOT an expert, and after the way this school year unraveled I may be the last person who should be giving advice.  SO, don't take this as advice...take it as a bare bones survival kit that I'm currently using for my kids.  (And when I say "currently," I mean we are so far off schedule that school has officially merged into our daily life so that there is no beginning and there is no end...just a lot of hard work, fun breaks, and more than enough lazy days.) How we do it (in no particular order, and the links are just quick finds not necessarily best prices/places to buy): History :  This year we finished up Story of the World vol. 2 and have since been reading Pages of Histor...

Losing Worry and Fear

#1 I had the opportunity to teach a Bible study at church tonight on worry and fear. #2 I wanted to write down my notes so I could share them with others, and also so I wouldn't forget these Scriptures...I need them everyday! Losing Worry and Fear How does a person lose weight?  It almost always boils down to three things: Diet Exercise Be consistent Period. What does this have to do with worry and fear? Well, losing worry and fear from our lives follows a surprisingly similar pattern... For starters: Losing weight and losing worry and fear have one very important thing in common... They both take DISCIPLINE.  In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6  Paul is talking about the way he's been perceived by others and is sharing some of his thoughts on how he deals with issues in the church.  We can apply these thought patterns as we begin our journey to a worry-free life. vs.3, " For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging ...

Hope Rises...or Does It Come Down?

#1  This is not a blog about those Holy Spirit questions I had mentioned last time. #2  But I'm sure I'll mention the Holy Spirit at some point anyway... Hope Rises... Or does it come down?... Or is it always within us???  (... the thing with feathers ???  per Emily Dickinson) I like this poem by Alexander Hope...I mean, Pope: Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never is, but always to be blessed: The soul, uneasy and confined from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come. – Alexander Pope , An Essay on Man "The soul, uneasy and confined from home" makes me start singing this oldie I grew up listening to on my mom's record player: IT'S SO TRUE THOUGH!  This world is not my home.  I'm thankful for hope in something better, something eternal, something that comes from....wait for it... THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!  (Insert cheers and applause here.) 13  May the God of hope fill you with a...

Bojangles and the Holy Spirit

#1 I love's my favorite. #2 I love my husband, but he says Bojangles can NOT be my favorite. #3 That's why I was eating there alone today. It was a Sunday (today, in fact). We had just left First Baptist Church where we watched my niece get baptized. IV had to go to work and I was about to head north to pick up our kids from their Nana and Poppy. It was a little early, so I asked IV if he wanted to eat a quick lunch before we went our separate ways. He declined because he knew they would be having food at the station that afternoon.  I said, "Okay," and headed for Bojangles...just for spite. ;) While I was waiting in the drive through the song I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons came on the radio. I felt a small stir of the Spirit within me...a little random, so I started to pray (which is what I recommend doing if this ever happens to you). Me: Lord, what do I need to wait for? ...I'm waiting on the closing on our new home, and...

Run Free

Recently, IV and I were walking back after spending some good, quality time in the fields watching for deer.  It was getting cold quickly since the sun had set. IV was carrying my gun, because he's nice like that, and I was ready to break into a jog in order to get inside to the warm fire a little quicker. However, as soon as I started to trot I remembered that even though I wasn't carrying any extra weight, IV was still carrying two guns, so I slowed my pace back down.  That's when this verse popped into my mind: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us , 2  looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.  (Hebrews 12:1-2) Since I had han...