Losing Worry and Fear

#1 I had the opportunity to teach a Bible study at church tonight on worry and fear. #2 I wanted to write down my notes so I could share them with others, and also so I wouldn't forget these Scriptures...I need them everyday! Losing Worry and Fear How does a person lose weight? It almost always boils down to three things: Diet Exercise Be consistent Period. What does this have to do with worry and fear? Well, losing worry and fear from our lives follows a surprisingly similar pattern... For starters: Losing weight and losing worry and fear have one very important thing in common... They both take DISCIPLINE. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 Paul is talking about the way he's been perceived by others and is sharing some of his thoughts on how he deals with issues in the church. We can apply these thought patterns as we begin our journey to a worry-free life. vs.3, " For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging ...