George L. Smith V Academy 2014-15: New Location, New Co-op, New Attitude

#1 New ATTITUDE (because that's really the best place to start): Our homeschool year is about to take off! I'm still in the planning phase, which is always kinda fun for me. There's always this hope that the excitement will carry on throughout the year, but thus far it never has. So, I'm praying that this year I'll at least be spiritually, mentally, emotionally prepared to handle the ugly, bad days. And I'm praying that our first day (please, oh please) will not be one of those days (as it was last year...bad). So, here's to a new attitude! Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2 (gotta remember this one. :) ) #2 New CO-OP: Last year, we joined the Rays for Christ homeschool group , and it's been nothing but good for my kids. We've had field trips, archery club, art classes, field day, and much, much more. It's been fun for the kids and a great support group for me as we...