George L. Smith V Academy 2014-15: New Location, New Co-op, New Attitude

#1 New ATTITUDE (because that's really the best place to start):

Our homeschool year is about to take off!  I'm still in the planning phase, which is always kinda fun for me.  There's always this hope that the excitement will carry on throughout the year, but thus far it never has.  So, I'm praying that this year I'll at least be spiritually, mentally, emotionally prepared to handle the ugly, bad days.  And I'm praying that our first day (please, oh please) will not be one of those days (as it was last year...bad).  So, here's to a new attitude!
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Ephesians 4:2 
(gotta remember this one. :) )

#2 New CO-OP:

Last year, we joined the Rays for Christ homeschool group, and it's been nothing but good for my kids. We've had field trips, archery club, art classes, field day, and much, much more.  It's been fun for the kids and a great support group for me as well.  It's also a growing group, soooo....

This fall we're starting a co-op!

This is a huge answer to prayer for me.  I'd been looking for outside help with science and history classes for a while, and never could find a good fit that was close enough to home, so I was thrilled when I learned about the co-op.  I was especially thrilled when I realized that most of the group also does Classical Christian education, AND they're on the same timeline as me! (We're all starting back with ancient history this year.  I always got hung up on this with other groups, and though I could have made it work I never really wanted to veer from my path.)
*If you have no idea what I'm talking about there's a concise description of Classical education here, though I break the grades down differently, as I learned here.

I'm very thankful that the Lord has provided for this need, and if you're in the area and have a similar need there's plenty of room for families to join!


I've never had an official "school room"...

...until NOW!

I'm pretty excited...not just about the school room but by the extra space in our living room and dining room now that the school stuff and Legos are O.U.T.

We closed in our garage and turned it into the official kids' stomping grounds.  They love it, I love it, and IV loves it because he can now get his sleep after a long night on the job.  It's just good.

*A disclaimer before you scroll through the pics: I'm all about function and showing off the kids' art, this is not something you will see on HGTV and may be painful for the those with a keen eye for decor and design. So sorry.  :)

Our school table...IV built it.  He and my dad also built the wall behind it.
We just left the concrete floors.  I scrubbed them to death and then sealed them with a gloss.  I researched all that other stuff - staining, dying, painting - but it was all either too much work or I wasn't sure it would last.
This is what I call our 
"Art and Energy Center". :)
My kids love art 
and they have more energy 
than their bodies can contain...
thus the mini-trampoline.
Our school books.
This is the stuff we'll use almost 
everyday...most of it at least.  

This is a view of the other side of the room: Books, and Legos, and art on display. 

These shelves will eventually hold many Lego creations...far out of a 2-yr-old's reach.

My kids are into puppets lately...IV thinks it's weird,
 but I'm just glad for something that doesn't
 have a screen or doesn't need batteries!

We left the garage door and all the hardware in place (it's a rental, and this room may be temporary) so I made use of the garage rails by hanging our solar system on it.  (That big one on the far end is Naboo, or Nabu...whatever, from Star Wars.  It was Duke's request.) Also, I hung the rope across to hang even more art with clothes pins.

And this is the unfinished corner.  I'm waiting for a desk to go here.  The kids already sit in the chairs and watch Netflix on the works.  The fridge comes in handy.  And the tubs are just stuff in storage.  Not pretty, but handy dandy when I need it.

So, there you have it!  (Whether you wanted it or not. :) )  Looking forward to a new school year, but we've got a few more weeks of summer to soak up before then!!!  Carpe diem!


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