A Reminder: My take-away from a day in the Pilates and yoga world.

1. I spent today in Atlanta at a certification course for a Pilates and yoga blend fitness class.
2. This reminded me of two things from my past that I seem to have lost passion for...

A Reminder

The first thing I was reminded of today was that I really LOVE Pilates as a form of exercise. 

I started doing Pilates shortly after King was born in 2004.  I bought some DVDs I saw advertised on TV by Daisy Fuentes.  (They're still here on Amazon if anyone is interested.  They're basically the same quality workouts I learned today...good, old, stuff.) 

However, I haven't practiced Pilates regularly in quite a while since I've been teaching HIIT (high intensity interval training) at the YMCA and running a lot on my own.  Therefore, I was happy to reconnect with it today.  It makes me feel tall and strong, and teaches muscle control and postural alignment like nothing else. 

I like to teach it too. 

That leads to the second thing of which I was reminded...

I really LOVE to teach the Bible.

That may seem really random and unrelated, but it's not...

Anytime you talk yoga, people will inevitably start talking about stress relief and inner peace.  I knew that going into this certification and was prepared for it, but I wasn't prepared for the way the Holy Spirit stirred inside me as soon as the lectures began. 

I was sad...very sad...

...Sad for all these women looking for peace and relief from anxiety and not knowing where to find it.  They keep looking within themselves but anything they find there will be a temporary Band-Aid for a much bigger wound. 

I mean, I'll be one of the first to tell you that I use exercise for stress relief.  It's a time away from the kids and my household duties.  It's a time when I can think and sweat, and I do always feel better afterward.  BUT, it's not where I get my peace, and it doesn't take my worries away. 

Only one Person can do that...only one Person HAS DONE that.

When I finally got home from the class with my certificate in hand (and after I ate!), I read the Christmas devotional to the kids.  (We do the She Reads Truth Advent devotional I bought last year.)

I found the truth I already knew in my heart in this scripture from Hebrews:
17 So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath, 18 so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. 19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, 20 where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
  • God is unchanging.
  • God gives us hope through Jesus.
  • Jesus is an anchor for the soul.
That's what gives me peace...no worries, no stress.

(Here comes a semi-cheesy analogy, beware :) Just like Pilates is all about the core strength of the body that anchors and helps control all the movement of the other parts of the body, Jesus is the core strength of our souls and lives, now and eternally.  He holds it all together.  (Colossians 1:17)

It's also here in the words to this song, which Lottie and I lovingly sang to the family (I think they actually liked it. Heehee.):

  • Jesus sets us free from fears.
  • Jesus sets us free from sins.
  • He's our rest, our hope, and our joy.
This is why I was re-filled with the desire to teach the Bible...it holds the only answer for "inner peace." 

And who knows, maybe when you've finally learned to cast all your cares on Jesus you'll feel a little more free to come join me for a workout. Heehee.  
A little sweat never hurts.  ;)


  1. Love your heart and love of Jesus. Thankful to know you and enjoy being in your space! ��

  2. I love this Katie and I love your love for our Lord Jesus. I had to share with Chris. Beautiful!
    Love you!

    1. Thanks LaDonna! Hope to see you Tuesday at the banquet. 😊


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