The Journey to Georgia - part 1

{Duke and King in '08}

This isn't the first time we've lived in Georgia. Way back when, October 2005, my husband (IV), son (King), and I moved from Arlington, Texas to Covington, Georgia...into my in-laws' house.  I was about 5 months pregnant with my second son, Duke.  When the nesting instincts sunk in I ached to be in our own home.  We ended up in a perfect little house, which I quickly set up to be what my husband and I both agreed was our first real home.  Too bad it didn't last.
IV worked a few unsatisfactory jobs til landing something he loved.  It was dangerous and he wanted the kids and me far away from it.  Therefore, we moved to with my parents.  That was June 1, 2006.  Once again I ached to be in our own home.  We rushed into a crappy apartment and spent the next four months trying to get out of there.  Finally, we found relief in the basement apartment of my uncle's house, which my mom and dad were in the process of purchasing.  It was here I found out I was pregnant with my Lottie. 
We lived below my parents for over a year before buying the house from them and moving upstairs.  It was in this year that we started our real estate investment business.  This business, in short, was a victim of the recession.  At one point in time everything was going our way, and wasn't.  Oh well. 
We lost two commercial buildings, two rental houses, and a big Dodge truck in chapter 7 bankruptcy.  It was not fun, but at least it was over.  God was doing His work in us.


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