Peace?? You mean that's possible??
#1 God answers prayer. #2 You just never know how the answer will come. PEACE We've been hearing a lot about peace at Crossroads Baptist lately. Pastor Brandon has been teaching from Colossians 3 on the "roots of peace" * and the Lord's been very challenging me. I have peace...I mean, I know where I'm going when I die, and I've learned the hard way to trust Christ to provide for all my needs. BUT, like other things in life (running being a major one) I like to take things to the next level. I wanted to have God's peace at a new level in my life. SO, I started praying for it. I didn't know how the answer would come because I really didn't know exactly what I was praying for. I knew my house would still be filled with loud, easily excited children, and I knew that I would still spend my days in piles of laundry, dishes, and dirty diapers, but I was hoping for a new, overwhelming peace to be in my heart. I was also ho...