Make the Most (or at least survive) Being Stranded on the Interstate with Kids

#1 Don't take this too seriously
#2 But this is seriously what happened to us

I hope it doesn't happen to you.

  • Bring snacks, drinks, extra diapers, and wipes
  • Leave the dog at home (We failed at this point.)
When the vehicle starts to shake:
  • Remain calm, pray, and let your husband think
  • Go along with his decision to turn around no matter how sad it makes you (or the kids, or your mom)
  • Comfort the kids and use it as a life lesson - sometimes things just don't work out like you think they should...God's in control
When the vehicle makes a really loud noise and starts to shake violently (scaring you out of your pants):
  • Pull over, pray
  • Call your dad because he's always helpful in every way (at least mine is)
  • Once again, let your husband think
Once you get to a safe location and are waiting for help (In our case thanks goes to bro-in-law Ryan.):
  • Pull out the snacks and drinks - we talked fractions as my seven-year-old decided how we would divide the crackers and moon pies if we were stuck there for days.
  • Change diapers and take kids (and dog) potty (Thankfully we got to a gas station.)
  • Do a little stretching - follow the leader style
  • Pull out the video camera and guitar - shoot a music video just for kicks (I would love to put a link here but my husband won't release the rights for me to post the video quite yet. ;) )
After an hour and a half of waiting for a ride (We were smack in between our home and my mom and dad's home, of course!):
  • The DS batteries are dead
  • Every button, switch, and knob in the vehicle has been pressed, flipped, and turned
  • BUT with God's grace and a good attitude, we pulled through! (And really the dog wasn't too much trouble after all. :) )


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