"Desperate" Online Book Study Starts Tomorrow!

What: The Book -
Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe
by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson
(You can purchase the book at Amazon or I believe you can find it just about anywhere books are sold...I saw one person said they found it at Sam's Club.)

Where: Online Study -
There's an 8-week online book study at Sarahmae.com and itakejoy.com.  There are also facebook groups and a "blog tour" which you can find here: deperatemom.com.

When: Tuesday, January 29 -
It all begins tomorrow.  Find the schedule here.  It's a slow paced reading schedule so even if you're already involved in other studies you'll still be able to keep up.

Why: For encouragement.  To connect with other moms.  To encourage others.  To let other moms connect with you.

Come along for the ride!


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