"Hitting the Reset Button"

#1 I started to write this blog last week but just couldn't think of a title to sum it up. My friend from Bible study unknowingly helped me out when she shared that she is "hitting the reset button" on her professional life. That's exactly what I've been doing too. Of course, my "professional life" is officially home making and home schooling, but it's all the same.

#2 Sometimes when God closes a door (or doors) He turns around and helps us see the room we're occupying in a new (and better) light. He is, after all, THE Light. (John 8:12)

This is what He's been doing for me.

First, as some people know, I hit a real hard spot with home schooling last fall. I was ready to hang it up. That, with a pressing need for extra cash lead me to go out and look for a "real job".

Long story short...didn't happen.
Phew! :-)

Then, as some people also know, IV and I have been looking (for a long time) for a house that has the space our family needs at a price that we can truly afford...a.k.a. a miracle. :-)

Well, we found it, we loved it, we were excited about it, and we were ready for the nasty, hard work we were going to have to put into it.

Long story short again...didn't happen...again.
Oh well.

This is when I "hit the reset button".  
I've been challenged anew by Matthew 6:33:

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

I'm now trying, with lots of prayer, everyday, to just be where the Lord has me.  Setting my "mind on the things above" (Col. 3:2). It has to be a daily, sometimes momentary, renewal.

I'm taking all that energy I had built up to work on our new home and putting it into the home we're in now. And I'm recommitted to putting my time and my heart into my children's education.
This, along with our positions as Lifegroup leaders for the 9th and 10th graders at our church, is enough to keep me busy for a long time!  It's also a heavy responsibility, which I don't take lightly.  I can't do these things well if I'm seeking worldly things in place of His righteousness.  He'll provide what we NEED.

It will never be pretty and perfect on this present earth, but I'm thankful for a Light by which to keep things in perspective, and a Master whose "burden is light" (Matt. 11:30).

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “therefore I will hope in him.”
Lamentations 3:22-24

P.S.  This is what I picture whenever I hear "reset button".  Haha.


  1. Have printed this and have it on my desk- love the verses and will use them as daily encouragement- thanks Katie :) Sharon


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