From Peace to Reality and Back Again

#1 Peace.  Calm.  Days that flow.  That's what I want.
#2 Who doesn't?

We went to the beach a couple of weeks ago.
It looked like this:

The weather was amazing, the water was fine, but the best thing about this beach trip was just that "beach feeling".
Peace. Calm. Days that flow.

I get this same feeling when we have time to spend in Tennessee.
It looks like this:

I usually help my dad work on the land, which can be a lot of work, but it's the good kind.
Peaceful.  Calm. Days that flow.

I also recently had this feeling on the women's retreat with my church, Crossroads Baptist.  We went to Ridgecrest, North Carolina, which you've probably already seen, but just for a reminder...
It looked like this:

The view wasn't the only amazing thing about this retreat.   It was an amazing time in the Word with my friends, and a lot of fun.  We spent an exorbitant amount of emotional energy - laughing and crying and laughing and crying;  I spent all of my physical energy - that view made the whole 12 miles totally worth it; and we slept only enough to survive, which kind of made me dizzy.  BUT...I came away completely refreshed.  My spirit was revived. 
Peaceful.  Calm.  Days that flow.  

Insert here another trip to Tennessee to share some of the beauty with our 10th/11th grade lifegroup.  Only three were up for the adventure, but we had a glorious time climbing to Buzzard's Point in Dayton.  
It looked like this:

This was always one of our favorite things to do in college (and in high school too for me), so it was awesome to be able to share it with some "youths".  
Then it was time to drive back home.

I was determined to keep this feeling I've had for the past few weeks...this feeling of peace, calm, and naturally flowing days.  IT'S SO HARD!

It was the first day home, and I made it until lunchtime.  Then it all started pressing in on me.  
No more peace, no more calm, no more flowing day.  
I wanted to crawl in my bed and hide.  
But, I didn't.  

I did take a break.  I did have a snack (hummus and Triscuits. yum.)  I did read this verse on my phone:
 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33
Duh.  I can't give myself peace.  I can't bring it home from the beach like a souvenir seashell.  It has to come from the Lord.  It's in Him.  It is Him.  

Because my daily life is really the opposite of peace, calm, and naturally flowing days.
It looks like this:

 Yep.  And that's just one kid.  And that's just one day.  And that's just one moment.
It's all good though.

Grabbing on to His peace today.


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